
aumsm..Introduction to Meditation



Meditation is increasingly recommended for relaxation, for well-being, to increase performance in sports and business, for personal growth, and to assist healing. Various forms of meditation can be used to work with our emotions, aid healing, manage pain, or as a spiritual practice.

Meditation is a path we can pursue and refine throughout our lives. Modern science and ancient Eastern teachings claim that meditation is a valuable practice for anyone who wants to establish, enhance or regain their inner balance and connection with their higher awareness.

Sometimes the fast pace of daily life can interfere with a regular meditation practice.  A continued and regular meditation practice is beneficial. Meditation in a group with the support of kindred spirits provides encouragement and brings inspiration.

There are many physical and psychological benefits from meditation: lower blood pressure, pain management, riddance of bad habits or negative thought patterns, and more. Each positive outcome creates a ripple effect that radiates throughout the group meditating.

Regardless of religious beliefs or life situations, meditation brings a deep inner sense of peace and well-being. Meditation is even more beneficial when practiced with devotion to the Creator.

FREE Online Audio – by ~Gurudevi
“Meditation and the Inner Space”

Mantras for Meditation

OM – Audio MP3

Om Shakti Om Shiva Om – Audio MP3

Om Namah Shivaya – Audio MP3

Jay Bhajaranga Bali – Audio MP3

Shri Krishna Govinda – Audio MP3