Tantra Yoga

aumsm..Tantra Yoga

Tantric Kriya

Sit straight.  Lift the chest slightly.  Raise both hands in front of the chest at the level of the heart center.  Place both palms facing upward.  Interlace the fingers so they look like slightly curved swords pointing up and outward 45 degrees.  The thumbs are relaxed but point forward. 

Focus the eyes downward past the nose.

Take a breath and chant AUM (Om) together.

Inhale (about 4 seconds) and chant (about 12 seconds).  Continue for 3-31 minutes.

Four Partner Exercises

Tantra yoga is a practice that can be used to expand the connection and awareness between a couple, creating a deeper bond spiritually with each other. Enjoy experiencing yoga poses with your partner, as yoga not only deepens your connectedness, but it also recharges your energy and peaceful feelings throughout the day and expands your awareness with each other and the universe.

Here are some simple exercises to try with your partner. Depending on your level of flexibility, you can modify the poses. What’s important is to focus on the connection and time with your partner, and enjoy each other’s presence. Hopefully, you will experience an increased bond within a relaxed state. Start at your comfort level, communicate your different levels of flexibility and endurance, and most of all, practice prolonged eye contact, feeling each other’s touch and positive thoughts about each other in a nonverbal way.


1. Yab-Yum 

YabYum – literally ‘father-mother’ – are pairs of male and female deities depicted in sexual union. Yab-yum, two deities in sexual union, is a common theme in Tibetan Vajrayana art. This image represents the union of the masculine principle (upaya) and the feminine principle (prajna). By concentrating on this image, the tantra practitioner fuses the masculine and feminine qualities within themself.

Like the Chinese YIN (female) and YANG (male) or the Japanese IN and YOYAB-YUM symbolizes the dual male-female aspects of the Universe.

in_yo2The IN-YO [pictured] is a symbol of central significance to the healing art of Tenchi Seiki Te-Ate.

The IN-YO is comprised of the Sun-disc and the Crescent Moon, with the kanji character: tora [or: ko] ‘tiger’ on the left and the kanji character: tatsu[or: ryo] ‘dragon’ on the right.

The tiger is symbolic of Nature, the Earth & physicality; the dragon represents the Cosmos, Heaven & spirituality.

Sun & Moon, Heaven & Earth, the Cosmos & Nature, Physicality & Spirituality – the IN-YO essentially represents the dynamic interplay of all existence – the interplay between hard and soft, tension and relaxation, inhaling and exhaling, activity and rest, waking and sleeping.

IN-YO signifies a state of ‘creative harmony’ or ‘dynamic balance’ (- as opposed to balance in a static ‘levelling-out’ sense) – an optimum state of being.

[the Japanese term: in-yo loosely equates with the Chinese concept of yin-yang]

By joining together in this sexual union, you and your partner can enjoy all the benefits of higher understanding and become one with the universe. This practice is suitable for anyone no matter what your religious beliefs are.

This pose helps align energy between a couple. Have the larger partner sit cross-legged on a comfortable mat. Then, the smaller partner can sit on top of the other partner’s thighs and cross his/her ankles behind the other partner’s back. Use your abdominal and low back muscles to keep straight and aligned with each other. Bring your foreheads together, touching them gently, and breathe deeply and slowly in harmony. You can do this pose with your eyes closed or open.

2. Boat Pose

This pose pictured below, engages the core muscles (lower back and abdominals) and is a fun pose for strengthening and stretching. Face each other sitting on a comfortable floor. Reach for each other’s hands outside of your legs and try to keep eye contact with each other. With bent knees, connect with each other by placing the soles of your feet against your partner’s. 

shaktianandayoga-tantra yoga-boat-pose

Try straightening your legs while moving them upward, keeping the soles of your feet connected. You can modify this pose depending on your flexibility and comfort level. Focus on the touch and eye contact.

Bn_dancer pose_Natarajasana.jpg3. Dancer’s Pose

This pose focuses on balance and touch, as well as eye contact. Start by standing and facing each other. Hold one of your partner’s hands. Then take your other hand and reach for your ankle or shin. Bring your leg up behind you, gradually and slowly, lean your upper body towards your partner, continuing eye contact. If balance is an issue for you, you can start by having one partner perform the pose while the other holds their hand and upper arm (to assist with balance).

4. Hand-to-Heart

A wonderfully relaxing and sensual position at the end of the evening or beginning of the day is having one partner lie on their back and the other one next to them, slightly above. Look into each other’s eyes. Without speaking words, keep connection with the eyes. Each of you can place the palm of your hand over your partner’s heart and feel each other’s heartbeat; then focus on slow and harmonious breathing. This pose is a great way to deepen the connection with each other and spend quiet time communicating without words. Switch places when you feel ready, so that each of you can experience both positions.

Tantric yoga is a spiritual and sensual way to get more deeply connected with your partner, enhancing soul attraction. Just being in the moment together with no distractions will enhance your relationship. Enjoy the moments. Meditate together.

>  Introduction to Meditation
